Morning Dew #7

God, my Security

The above message came through Isaiah to a people who were filled with anxiety as they looked at the social and political chaos of their time. Had their God forgotten them? Could they find assurance despite their circumstance? 

The Caribbean islands are subject to hurricanes. When these hurricanes come through, dry gully beds are turned into raging channels of water ripping away at the soil turning it into thick churning mud that carry coconut trees, banana trees, roofs, doors, splintered houses and lifeless bodies into the sea. It leaves behind devastation and scarred lives; tired people left to pick up the remains, replant, rebuild, and move on. 

When I was but weeks old, one such hurricane swept through the island of Jamaica. As the winds strengthened and howled against the frame of the house and the rain beat down in sheets my parents bundled me up, emptied a drawer, placed me in it and hid that drawer under the bed. As the winds and the rain beat down they stayed alert keeping anxious watch while I, oblivious of danger, lay asleep in complete comfort and safety.

“For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the LORD, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54: 10.

Dear Lord, Today’s circumstances make me anxious and I need Your reassurance that You are with me. Please help me to take the words of Isaiah as a message directly to me. Help me to know that nothing can take me from Your hand or prevent Your watch-care over me. Help me to share this wonderful  assurance with all whom I meet. Amen.

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