Morning Dew #73

God, my Recreator

Poem & Photograph by Josephine

It wasn’t that long ago that neuroscientists discovered that the brain can actually rebuild itself. Previously, it was thought that damage to the brain was irreversible. We now know that with mental exercises, the brain can create new paths to replace damaged ones. 

There is hope for those who wish to learn new approaches to life’s challenges, and new pathways to a positive self-image that says, “I am worthy of life, love, and friendship.” 

The Bible has long taught that we are changed by what we behold. A daily gaze at Christ— His life and love for us, can transform the way we live. 

 – *Found Poetry from the Psalms –  Compiled by Josephine. February, 2024
*Found poetry is created by taking phrases from other sources (e.g., the Psalms) and organizing them to create a type of poem.

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