Morning Dew #51

God, my Choice

White Mountains, New Hampshire. Photograph by Josephine

The game show, “Price is Right”, asks its guests to choose between what’s behind the curtain and what’s in the envelope— a big gamble!

Life’s gamble is: live for today, forget eternity— Choose!

Blaise Pascal, the 17th century philosopher, argued that if we choose to live for this world only and later learn that there is an eternal one, then we would have lost big time! However, if we choose to live in anticipation of an eternal existence and there is none, we would still come out ahead.

What does eternity-living look like? Jesus describes it in Matthew 5– It is loving and caring for ourselves and allowing that love to overflow into the lives of others.  It is giving others the tolerance and friendship that we crave for ourselves, forgiving others even as we would have them forgive us. It’s choosing peace instead of malice, sincerity for hypocrisy, happiness for despondency. It’s believing that there is a God who has supreme control and is trustworthy. 

Research confirm Pascal’s position— eternity-choices do result in present contentment, and good physical and mental health.  

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