Morning Dew #50

God, my Penpal

Sunrise in Massachusetts, Photograph by Josephine

Leaving one country to reside in another is quite a traumatic experience. As an emigrant I totally got it! Near to leaving, we gathered our friends to share a meal, a little crying, much laughter, and promises to keep in touch. As separated friends, we shared letters (texts?), and phone calls to keeping touch and dates of possible visits.

That must have been the scene when Jesus gathered His disciples to share with them news of His soon departure— a little crying, lots of reminiscing, and promises of return (Luke 22: 14-20). Jesus is like us, or more accurately, we are like Him since we are made in His image— He doesn’t like good-byes. 

As His friends, He hopes we will read His letters, think about Him constantly, talk to others about Him, and sometimes even speak and act like Him. He hopes that our lives  bring a little “sugar” into the lives of others as we do His work of encouraging, supporting, laughing and even crying with them. 

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