In Search of Assurance

When I was growing up I just couldn’t stand looking at my “buck teeth”. Those two teeth in the front that seemed to be the first thing anyone would see when I opened my mouth to speak. Bugs Bunny mouth, I and others, called it! The size of my feet also concerned me. What was a young lady going to do with size 9 feet? To say nothing of the length of my neck . . . . ugh!

At that time I was sure there was no one else who suffered with the flaws of their body. I felt alone and watched with envy as other young ladies seemed to move through life without a care in the world. Today, several decades later I realize I was not alone. I, like all the other young ladies and young men, bore the same kinds of burdens: shoe size, clothes, and friendships, etc.  

In our adult lives our anxieties may have pivoted to concerns about our achievements. Could I have achieved more in my career? Why don’t I seem to be able to make a good impression on the right people? Is there a life-partner out there for me? Will each member of my family hit the benchmarks that I have planned for him/ her? Did I save enough, will my bank book be able to cover my present and future needs? What of my spiritual life, am I meeting God’s expectations for me? Is happiness and success an attainable goal? These are but a few of the questions that bug us.

*Psalm 139 has become my song of hope and encouragement when I face such anxieties. The Psalmist must have experienced similar concerns and received inspiration which led him to pen these words. 

Below I am sharing this Psalm and I have inserted between the verses some of the questions that we ask of life. It amazes me that the Psalmist seems to answer these questions with deep core principles which have stood the challenge of time:

§ –  My Father, I feel alone and anxious. Are You there?

I have searched your heart and know you inside and out. I know when you sit down and when you rise; I discern your thoughts before you think them. I walk beside you all day long, and when you lie down at night, I’m there. I know everything you do and say.  There’s not a word that comes from your mouth, that I don’t know beforehand. I am behind you, in front of you and all around you wherever you go. I have touched you and drawn you close to Me. (Vv.1-5)

§ – My Father, can you help me understand and believe that I am important to you?

I can’t comprehend such knowledge. It’s so wonderful that no matter how hard I try to understand, I can’t grasp it all. Where can I go to leave the presence of Your Spirit? Where shall I run that You’re not already there? If I were to launch out into space, You’d be there. If I were to tunnel into the depths of the earth, You’d be there. If I had wings and could fly to the ends of the earth or to the most remote island in the sea, Your presence would be there and Your arms would be ready to hold me. Even if I hid in the dark, everything around me would be as visible to You as in the daylight. Darkness to You is as light as the day. (Vv.6-12)

§ – My Father, sometimes I feel like I’m a mistake. Why do You care for me? 

 I shaped you before you were born; I put your bones together while you were still in your mother’s womb. (V.13)

§ – When life gets difficult, help me to remember that I am special, and that you have plans for me. 

I praise you, for this body is incredibly and wonderfully made. Your whole creation is amazing. When I was developing in my mother’s womb, You knew everything that took place. To You nothing is hidden or mysterious. You saw my unformed body inside the womb. You knew how long I would live before I was born. (Vv.14-16)

§ – Each day, dear Father, can You help me to feel precious and close to You?

How precious are Your tender thoughts toward me, O Lord. There are so many of them, they never end! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the grains of sand on the sea shore. Every morning, You are still there for me. (Vv.17, 18)

§ – Thank You Father for Your promises. Please keep reminding me that You keep all Your promises.  I’m holding You to them!

O Lord, search my heart; test me so I can know my thoughts as You know them. Let me know if there is any wicked way in me, and then help me walk in the way I should go. (Vv.23, 24)


Today’s Goal: To live confidently and fully by accepting who I am, knowing that my life was planned in great detail by my Father who loves me. 


*Taken from the paraphrased Bible – The Clear Word by Jack J. Blanco,  Copyright © 2003 by Review and Herald® Publishing Association P.O. Box 1119, Hagerstown, MD 21741-1119.

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