Morning Dew #84

God, my Parent

Flower Show, Pennsylvania. Photograph by Josephine

America pauses today to celebrate mothers. Some of us will receive flowers, others a card, a phone call, 0r a fond hug. Some mothers will have a moment of bitter-sweet memories. Wherever we are on this journey of motherhood— new or experienced, ecstatic or overwhelmed, alone or in family, atop the hill of happiness or deep in the valley of worry— may the words of Jacob bring insight and encouragement: “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16. 

God is with us for those busy days of preparing meals, giving baths, sharing counsel, and dispensing discipline. He’s also present for the lonely night-watches because of illness or finance.  Truly, whether in joyful family or seeming aloneness, Jacob realized and so should we,  God is with us!

Happy Mother’s Day to the Maternal Optimists,  Tenacious Heroes,  Energetic, and Resilient women we are!

Morning Dew #83

God, my Promise

Port Royal, Jamaica. Photograph by Josephine

Things were bad— oppressively high taxes, personal freedoms severely curtailed, soldiers swarming the streets, daily political intrigue, food insecurity, and rampant disease. Worse yet, their best Friend was leaving. 

No, I’m not describing today’s sociopolitical unrest. This was Jerusalem just before Jesus would take His departure through crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension. 

If ever His followers needed assurance it was then. The same is true for us today. Our world is fraught with economic booby-traps, meaningless violence, earthquakes that rock our confidence, and tornadoes that rip away lives leaving devastation.

We are not alone however, the same promise Jesus gave to His followers is potent for us today. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. . . . I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe” John 14:27, 29.  

It wasn’t easy for the disciples to believe nor for us today.  But Jesus says, “Arise, let us go from here.” (v.31) Away from despair to trust,  from anxiety to confidence, from doubt to faith.