In Search of Self

Morning Dew #83

God, my Promise

Port Royal, Jamaica. Photograph by Josephine

Things were bad— oppressively high taxes, personal freedoms severely curtailed, soldiers swarming the streets, daily political intrigue, food insecurity, and rampant disease. Worse yet, their best Friend was leaving. 

No, I’m not describing today’s sociopolitical unrest. This was Jerusalem just before Jesus would take His departure through crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension. 

If ever His followers needed assurance it was then. The same is true for us today. Our world is fraught with economic booby-traps, meaningless violence, earthquakes that rock our confidence, and tornadoes that rip away lives leaving devastation.

We are not alone however, the same promise Jesus gave to His followers is potent for us today. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. . . . I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe” John 14:27, 29.  

It wasn’t easy for the disciples to believe nor for us today.  But Jesus says, “Arise, let us go from here.” (v.31) Away from despair to trust,  from anxiety to confidence, from doubt to faith. 

Morning Dew #82

God, my Mystery Connection

Peace. Photograph by Josephine

Our world is filled with mysteries. Some mysteries we have solved and are now common-place —cloning, human organ transplants, cordless telephones, radio and TV, voice recorders, videos, microwaves, satellites, Alexa and Siri. Others mysteries are more esoteric like the  secrets of the mind-body relationship, the JWST, deep space, and Black Holes.

Yet another level of unsolved mystery is prayer! The Washington Post states that millions of research dollars are being spent trying to understand this mystery. There seems no causal connection but, “All we know is that prayer, or religious activity of any kind, seems to have a positive effect on health and recovery.”! 

Many of us believe that the answer to this mystery lies in the promise found in the Holy Bible,

“. . . pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16.

Sincere prayer mysteriously links us to the Source of strength and impacts the situation or person for whom we pray. The mystery prevails but the evidence is strong. So along with the other mysteries of the day why not try prayer? It works! 

Morning Dew #81

God, my Foolishness and Sin-Bearer

Place of Reflection . Photograph by Josephine

Anger, impatience, and self-absorption can often lead us to say or do things that cast a shade on our Christian profession. The Psalmist clearly had that experience and in exasperation pleaded with God that his rash behavior would not become a stumbling-block for someone striving to live a Godly life. 

We too should make this a daily request of God who knows and witnesses our “foolishness” as we go about our affairs each day. The anger that wells-up when we fail to get what we think is owed us; the daggers hurled from our lips as we counter what seems like the slight of others; the vengeance we seek as we experience or witness the injustice of the powerful. 

Justified or not, these acts may mislead or disillusion someone seeking to know God. But we are frail humans who, at our best, are pale reflections of Him and so like the Psalmist we must pray for His strength to make our daily walk a good example to those who seek to know Him.

Morning Dew #80

God, my Designer

Early Morning Beauty. Photograph thanks to Alfonso V.

So along with the beautiful pictures that have been generated and the parties that ensued I wrote an ode to this magnificent, omnipotent God. 

2024 Eclipse. Photograph by NASA
JAR. April, 2024


Morning Dew (#79 Repost)

God, my Tomorrow

Day’s End. Photograph by Josephine

I Wonder Today

If we could see our tomorrow as we live today’s ups and downs— Would we today adorn a smile Where now we wear a frown?

Would we today enjoy the simple meal Which now we push aside?

Would we today prize the uphill climb Where now with the challenge, we whine?

Would we today pause to praise  Where now we just criticize?

Would we today accept advise Where now in haste, we despise?  

Would we today show humility Where now we’re puffed with pride?

Would we today a soft answer give Where now we spew out bile? 

Would we today forgive the barb Which now we bitterly resent?

Would we today more generous be  Where now we withhold our talents? 

Would we today give twice as much Where now we give much less?

Would we today try twice as hard, a friendship to preserve Where now impatient and thoughtless, we toss it to the curb?

God, give us that discerning eye to cherish our todays Remind us Lord, that our tomorrows are made from our todays.  Amen.

Morning Dew #78

God, my Resurrection

Returning Fishermen – North Coast, Jamaica. Photograph by Josephine

It was early morning and the sun softly lightened the Jerusalem hills when Mary rose from a restless sleep to return to the grave of her Master. The past two days had been excruciating. Jesus, His teachings, His promise of a full abundant life was halted as He hung lifeless on the cross. She relived His piercing cry, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”, His final words, “It is finished”, and the enveloping darkness. 

Her goal now was to find closure- retrieve His body, prepare it for a complete burial, and somehow move on. Arriving at the tomb she discovered an empty vault. It matched her heart’s emptiness. If He is not here, where then is He? 

We need not guess. Jesus directs us to where He may be found— with the hungry, the thirsty, the lonely stranger, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned— Matthew 25:34-40.  May our Easter search redirect us from the tomb to places of service because He lives among those who are “the least of these”. He has promised that as we serve them, He serves with us. 

Morning Dew #77

God, my Bedrock

Majorca coast, Spain. Photograph by Josephine

We live in a world of shifting values where the appropriate time is “whenever you choose”, the best place is “wherever you are”, right and wrong are “maybe”, and promises are undependable. In the absence of absolutes, crime has risen, anxiety abounds, and suicide is prevalent. Are there bedrock principles for confident living? 

§Love unconditionally: “. . . love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,” Matthew 5:44.

§Never speak when we should be silent: “Be still, and know that I am God . . . The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.” Psalm 46: 10, 11.

§ – Never run when we should stand still: “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. Exodus 14: 13.

§ –Never worry when we should pray: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34.

§ – Never doubt when we should trust: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11: 1

Morning Dew #76

God, my Company

God at Dawn. Photograph by Josephine

Miriam was the choir leader for the Israelites journeying from Egyptian slavery to God’s promised land of freedom and prosperity. The Israelites revered Miriam who lifted their spirits  with beautiful praise and worship services. 

However, Miriam wanted to be more than choir leader! She wanted her brother, Moses’ job— head leader. Her envy led to rebellion that displeased God and so He punished her with leprosy. Moses prayed for Miriam and God cured her leprosy but she had to go through the required time of cleansing. Miriam was placed in “time-out” alone, outside the camp.  

Why didn’t The Israelites move on and leave her to stew in her consequences? They couldn’t!  They could break camp only when the Cloud that led them moved on. That Cloud, God, stayed put, unmoving for the length of Miriam’s “time-out”! 

When the consequences of our actions bring hardship, God does not retreat from us but as with Miriam, so He is with us— He stands faithful, loving vigil, waiting with us. 

Morning Dew #75

God, my Value-Maker

Y Falls, Jamaica. Photograph by Josephine

According to the United Nations Worldometer this world’s population on Sunday, March 10, 2024 is 8,096,044,209 and growing! Imagine, I am— you are one of 8 billion people! How insignificant that could make us feel. 

The combined volume of Earth’s oceans is about 352 quintillion gallons of water. In that vast body of water live Prochlorococcus a microbe that is so minuscule, over 20 thousand of them live in a single drop of water! But don’t let size fool you, we owe one out of every five breaths that we take to this minuscule oxygen-producing microbe!

If we awake today feeling that we are just one-in-billions and of no value, the above seeming trivia says otherwise. The Bible places value of the smallest. Jesus as He walked the earth cherished the simplicity of the child over the pomposity of the academicians, the farthing of the widow over the thousands of the rich, and the tiny mustard seed for its potential to be a valued tree. 

Our worth is not in our size but our willingness to care and to serve. As the song says, “if I can help somebody as I pass along then my living shall not be in vain.”