Morning Dew #24

God, my Comfort. Photograph by Josephine

“Are we there yet?” Is the question 30 minutes into the vacation trip. We all want what we want— now! So Amazon provides one-day delivery, Keurig provides a three-minute brew, the cellphone gives instant connection half-way around the world.  

How do we get past the thrill of the immediate to the appreciation of the eternal? Even as you are reading you may be saying, “Get to the point!” 

I want to be healed now! I want the bill paid today!I want my child delivered now! As I write, I too am asking God for the answer NOW! How can we look to the future while enduring present challenges? The answer is not packaged and ready for delivery. It is in our relationship and faith in the words of a Friend. He promises a future and so because He has always been reliable— I will wait!

So the answer to the question of “now” is, “Get to know Him and the future is as sure as now”. 

Dear Lord, I want to know You. Help me to find joy in today as I rest in Your promises of the future— even though we are not there yet! Amen

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