In Search of A God Who Knows My Name – Part II

Today’s blog shares true, modern-day stories that answer the question, “God, are You there? Do You care about the specifics of our everyday lives?”

Rose’s story: It was a bitter cold February morning as I stood in my warm kitchen thinking that I needed to make a trek to Johnson Strings in Framingham to exchange my 6 year old son’s outgrown violin. After a hearty breakfast we both bundled up, hopped into the Bronco and off we drove to Framingham. Within the hour of arriving we were off with the new used violin tucked in its case.

It was early afternoon and the traffic was light, so I thought we would be home within 45 minutes. As I left the local road to get onto the highway I heard a thud. On inspection I found that my front right tire was spilt open. A passing police officer promised to send a tow-truck. As I waited I worried about the added cost to tow my vehicle. I didn’t have a choice since I would not be able to do the job myself. I waited in the car and prayed,  “Oh Lord, please send two angels to help me.” 

My husband was working  in another town and even if I could contact him, he probably would not have been able to get to me for at least two to three hours. This was life before cell phones. “Please God, send two angels” I prayed again. After a few more minutes a car stopped behind my Bronco, two guys got out and asked me what was the problem. I pointed out the damaged tire. Their next question was, “Where’s the spare?” I directed them to the back of the vehicle. They directed us back into the Bronco because, they said, ‘it was too cold to stand outside.” Within minutes the tire was changed. 

They refused money but accepted my heartfelt thanks, which was a good thing because I really didn’t have much money on me.  “Thank you God” I said out loud.“Thank you God for sending two angels.”

That evening there were joyful prayers of thanksgiving during our evening worship. I know that God is interested in our salvation but He is also interested in all aspects of our lives. That cold February day, I desperately asked God for help and He gave me exactly what I needed.

Angie’s story: I stood nervously touching each item as the cashier rang them up. I knew my credit card was running low so these were the bare minimum that my family needed if we were not to starve that week. He rang up the last item and I ran my card through the machine. The dreaded words came, “Sorry mam, your card is declined.” 

“Could you try again.” I asked. He did but I had little hope. Suddenly from behind me a woman waiting in line said, “Here’s my card. I will pay for her items.” 

I looked around and was astonished, so too was the cashier. I weakly accepted her offer and the cashier asked, “Do you know her?” The lady replied, “No, but she is one of my Father’s children.” 

I could find no words to thank her. I asked if I could give her a hug. She said yes and we embraced each other. I left the store still speechless but thanking God for this blessing. I realized that He really watches out for our needs and He makes sure we are cared for. “Thank you God” I repeated over and over. 

In these stories God used ordinary people to take care of His children. Isn’t it reassuring to know that He cares for all aspects of our lives and has people who are willing to carry out His wishes? 

Today’s Goal: To listen for and be obedient to God’s promptings as He asks me to be His hands and feet today. 

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