Morning Dew #21

God my Essence

God my Essence. Photograph by Josephine

Extremist or gullible? Pragmatist or purpose-driven? What kind of people “follow the Lamb wherever He goes”?  The above text says they are a people in-love with that Lamb. They are ordinary people who claim God as the Essence and Source of their lives and self-fulfillment. Away from Him, they miss His direction and authorship, and they yearn for His fellowship in the earth made new.

Paul describes this kind of relationship as a marriage. One where the love relationship is so strong the pair are inseparable, they share each other’s thoughts. Their relationship has long past the demands of the law stated in the marriage certificate and makes them engage in selfless, sacrificial acts for each other. 

This “following” entails a willing, daily walk in Christ’s sacrificial footsteps: Caring for the needs of others; forgiving those who malign us; providing words of peace and calm for fear and anger— as He did while on earth. 

Dear Lord, create in me a soft heart that loves You with such intensity that I will follow You in good times and bad, that I will perform acts of blessing that give You glory, and bring joy to those who receive it.  Amen

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