Morning Dew #82

God, my Mystery Connection

Peace. Photograph by Josephine

Our world is filled with mysteries. Some mysteries we have solved and are now common-place —cloning, human organ transplants, cordless telephones, radio and TV, voice recorders, videos, microwaves, satellites, Alexa and Siri. Others mysteries are more esoteric like the  secrets of the mind-body relationship, the JWST, deep space, and Black Holes.

Yet another level of unsolved mystery is prayer! The Washington Post states that millions of research dollars are being spent trying to understand this mystery. There seems no causal connection but, “All we know is that prayer, or religious activity of any kind, seems to have a positive effect on health and recovery.”! 

Many of us believe that the answer to this mystery lies in the promise found in the Holy Bible,

“. . . pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16.

Sincere prayer mysteriously links us to the Source of strength and impacts the situation or person for whom we pray. The mystery prevails but the evidence is strong. So along with the other mysteries of the day why not try prayer? It works!